Sunday, October 30, 2011

Beautiful Architecture

Beautiful architecture inspires me. When I see a well-built and aesthetically attractive building a feeling wells up within me. It is like a kind of mellow happiness and a sense of appreciation rolled up into one emotion. That is why I have chosen Architecture as a field of study in my skills to train in list. I also wanted to add something creative or artistic to my skills list so that I had a plan that was more well-rounded. After all, those great Italian renaissance men all had highly developed artistic backgrounds. Not that I would compare myself to someone possessing the magnitude of talent of Leonardo Da Vinci, but nonetheless I do intend to pursue training in this field in order to see what I can do. Architecture is an area where I have passion as well as perhaps some potential for. So, even assuming that I will never be able to match Andrea Palladio in sheer ability, I genuinely do believe that I can touch that wonderful divine essence of beautiful architecture in some new piece, a setting, a building, somewhere at some time in the future. I have some ideas in mind.

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