Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Path to Greatness II

                                                                                 (From Beijing Olympics 2008)

Obviously, it will require dedication. It will require discipline. You will need to be resourceful. You are going to have to come up with answers on how to achieve various goals, even if the answers are not immediately apparent. There are near infinite options and possibilities, attune your mind to success. Be industrious. Do not let up, be relentless. Naturally, you are going to push yourself towards what you believe are your limits. You are going to have to order your mind and behavior, in such a way as to maintain that level of near-perfection of performance in daily life engagements. Keep your house in order, literally and figuratively, and the benefits of doing that will be evident over the long run.

Yes, be like Batman. But be your own kind and version of Batman. I think it may be wise to have an artistic/creative skill and a trade/profession skill requirement under the skill section of the tetrahedral plan. Also, though there is already a science and math study requirement, as well as a language acquisition requirement under the intellect section, in addition to a logical/strategic game option, perhaps I should add an intellectual endeavor requirement, to list under the skill section.

I used to avoid fiction books because I had this conceit that valuable knowledge only came to you in the form of non-fiction. This I have realized is incorrect. Sometimes the most incredible ideas and thoughts can be inspired from good works of fantasy. Ideas are themselves a great source of power. True knowledge is not only the accumulation of facts, but also of ideas. You see, more ideas in your mind means more options, more possibilities, and thus greater power. I do think still that one should spend their majority of reading time in non-fiction though, unless you are a fiction writer by profession.

People are born with potentials, with an endless variability of talents, predispositions. Obviously, most do not cultivate their talents, and often times do not discover them. It is a lamentable situation that faces all of us in life, that we will not be able to absolutely maximize what we are truly capable of in each of our lifetimes. But my philosophy is that we should strive towards that absolute limit of greatness and perfection, and go as far down that line as each of us can. The results at the end may surprise us. In regards to your training, keep in mind to seek and employ the most effective methods, and be most productive with your time.

I do not feel that there are enough tests that currently exist in the realm of testing the mind's capabilities. The IQ test(s) are a good start, but obviously there must be ways of testing other areas that are important, and improvements that can be made in general intelligence testing as a whole. So far as I know, the Raven's, Wechsler's, Woodcock-Johnson's and Stanford-Binet's tests do not go in-depth in the areas of creative or social intelligence to a significant degree. So tests for those areas can be devised and added into the current system, for just one example where improvements can be made.

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