Sunday, September 25, 2011

Conceptions for a New Order

What is the nature of the Metistonic Order? What are it's goals? What are it's tenets? How do you attract members and not only sustain the strength of the organization, but also expand in scope, power, and influence? These are just some of the questions that I need to answer.

My idea is that of a fraternal organization, whose members are dedicated and ambitious men, seeking achievement in the realms of the intellectual, athletic, and social fields related to power, prestige, fame and wealth. It is basically a society open to all (who are able to reach the requirements, and who are male) who are inspired by the ideal of perfection, greatness, and mastery in life. I imagine there will be a training process, where there are disciples who seek the Metiston title and engage in trials and attain accomplishments in order to do so. This would be an unprecedented organization as far as I know.

The model of a Metiston is best exemplified (among those ideal types that have existed in history) by the concept of the Renaissance man. Is this intended to be a secret organization? No, some methods, practices and rituals might be kept within the group, as well as some sensitive operational matters (hypothetically, such matters like certain business dealings in African countries, etc.), but for the most part, it will fundamentally be an open, universally accessible organization run on meritocratic principles.

Some responsibilities as a full Metiston includes keeping one's body in excellent condition, developing the mind, sharpening reasoning, accumulating knowledge as a duty, maintaining ethical and moral standards (perhaps the most important, and given the highest severity in any reviewed violations), training and refining one's skills, and setting goals and achieving them. There would be principles and successful methods that one is conditioned to live by. There also may be general organizational goals that the group strives for and works toward collectively as well, such as the spread of the democratic system across the world (assuming that is currently the best known form of basic human governance). The Metiston is a man who is capable of doing much more than a typical man, by one definition, by way of his talents, skill set, discipline, will power, and training. Capable of doing, performing, changing, influencing, affecting, and succeeding at a much higher level in any human endeavor than the average or mediocre man. I personally am not (at the time I write this) yet a Metiston. Though I would be at the level of a disciple-in-training.

The nature of the process of initiating into the order may be similar to joining a college fraternity in some ways, minus the stupid aspects. But what I am looking to do is make the recruiting process more like joining a secret and highly selective organization. There would be a HQ, and a training center with all the related amenities (gym, dojo, etc.). There could be a process where disciples could train in secluded desert or high mountain HQs, to maximize the benefits of focused training if they so choose. There could be the option of a type of monkhood for the single guys who do not have too many obligations at home.

The ranking system must be based on merit, competence, experience and accomplishment. Perhaps there will be an abundance of titles and professions within the order, such as master fighter (for MMA), master mind (for general intellectual superiority) and so on, but not an excess of ranks, as the order should fundamentally be a democratic-egalitarian society. This organization must surpass at all levels other fraternal orders (such as the Masons). Ways to achieve a level of greatness and "badass" higher than other fraternal groups can include activities that members are involved in which have a great impact on world affairs, or are just plain fascinating and adventurous (missions of resource finding and business takeovers, land and property accumulation in Ecuador, political manipulations in Sri Lanka, etc.). The display of magnificent architecture in HQ buildings, the accumulation of resources for the organization, legal, financial, career, technological, can all play a huge role in this endeavor. Science and Reason will be big themes in the order, perhaps taking on an almost religious significance. I am of the opinion that the written language should be Hangul and the spoken language Esperanto, officially. Members could be given Metistonic names.

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